Let’s Cope In Healthy Ways

  • Reframing Thinking

    We want to start off by saying that this is much easier said than done. Diagnoses like POTS can be very debilitating and can make it easy to slip into negative thinking spirals. Learning how to catch ourselves before spiraling, acknowledge how we are feeling, and reframe our thinking to be less catastrophic, can put our minds (and bodies) at ease. Seeing a licensed mental health professional, like a cognitive behavioral therapist, is what we would always recommend, and we will share some of our quick tips and tricks here too. :)

  • Setting Healthy Boundaries

    Setting healthy boundaries with friends, families, and even employers can feel really uncomfortable at first if it isn’t something you are used to. Many believe that boundaries are selfish, or even mean, but prioritizing your health and maintaining healthy boundaries is never selfish! We have to take care of ourselves before we can take care of others, putting on our oxygen masks first. This might be quite difficult initially, but that’s ok! Learning how to set these healthy boundaries in all of your relationships can be incredibly rewarding.

  • Journaling

    Journaling can provide us with the opportunity to process how we are feeling, events that may have come up during the day, or other aspects of our journey with chronic illness. Sometimes it can be incredibly therapeutic to have access to this coping skill that allows for healthy processing. Click below for more information and to access some helpful journaling ideas/templates!