Meditation And Mindfulness

“Like a clear, still pool without ripples, mindfulness mirrors what’s occurring without distortion so that we can gain perspective on ourselves and our lives. We can then wisely determine the best course of action to help ourselves. It takes courage to turn toward our pain and acknowledge it, but this act of courage is essential if our hearts are to open in response to suffering. We can’t heal what we can’t feel. For this reason, mindfulness is the pillar on which self-compassion rests.”

-Dr. Kristen Neff

Liquid Sunshine Body Scan:

1.) Lie down on your back, or in the most comfortable position

2.) Take 5 calming breaths

3.) Notice your body pressing into the ground or surface beneath you

4.) Notice your breathing as your weight is dispersed

5.) Close your eyes and slowly notice your body, your hands, the position of your head, where your feet are resting, and how quickly you are breathing

6.) Imagine a large bucket of warm liquid sunshine by your feet

7.) Starting at your toes, allow that liquid sunshine to very slowly move through each toe on your left side first, and then gradually move to your right side

8.) When the liquid sunshine touches each part, imagine the warmth melting any tension or pain, and soothing each area

9.) Take your time and gradually have the sunshine warm and move through your toes, feet, ankles, calves, knees, thighs, pelvic region, abdomen, chest, shoulders, arms, wrists, palms, fingers, back, neck, face, and head

10.) This exercise can be done over the course of 5 minutes, or 20-30 minutes

11.) You can repeat as often as you feel is needed to achieve a relaxed and soothed state

Object Body Scan:

1.) Sit or lie down in a relaxed position

2.) Take 5, slow, calming breaths where you inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, exhale for 6 seconds, and hold for 3 seconds

3.) Breathe naturally, and notice the weight of your body pushing down on the surface beneath you

4.) Close your eyes

5.) Imagine a small object, it can be anything you like, but ideally something you can hold.

6.) What does the object smell like it? What would it taste like? What would it feel like?

7.) Imagine holding this object in front of you- what emotions does it bring up for you?

8.) Starting at the top of your head, imagine that every part of your body the object touches, relaxes. Releasing muscle tension and reducing pain

9.) Allow yourself to very slowly focus this object on areas that are hurting you most right now or are most tense

10.) You can repeat as often as you feel is needed to achieve a relaxed and soothed state

Grounding Exercise:

1.) Notice five objects around you that you can see.

2.) What color are these objects?

3.) Notice four objects around you that you can touch. What do they feel like? How would you describe them to someone else?

4.) Notice three sounds that you hear; how would you describe them to someone else? What do they remind you of?

5.) Notice your body positioning, any stiffness, and feel your body pressing down into the surface beneath you. What does it feel like?

6.) Notice any smells around you; what do they remind you of?