Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapists can help individuals in our community develop individualized approaches specific to many important daily tasks that may prove to be difficult. The goal is for them to determine how you can thrive with these illnesses, make adaptations that reduce discomfort, and maximize your well-being. Some examples can include helping you develop an effective bedtime routine to increase sleep hygiene and sleep quality, and helping you develop creative strategies to conserve energy as you perform tasks around your home in ways that are more comfortable, efficient, and less difficult for you. Occupational therapists can also help you adapt to these new changes in ways that still allow for you to experience added functioning, meaning, happiness, and purpose in each day. To learn more, visit the two sections we have listed below, and visit our Daily Tips and Tricks section to get some helpful ideas specific to bathing, navigating the heat, brain fog, your morning routine, daily tracking, sleep routines, and more!

What The Research Says

The Spoon Theory